Because it is light weight it is best suited to indoor or low wind areas. It is packed in a re-sealable pail with the patented “Flip Lok” lid. Each pail comes with a free scoop and scraper for spreading and collecting the absorbent. Perfect for kitchens, vehicles, schools, shopping centres, childcare. It is made from an inert mineral and is suitable to use with all substances except hydrofluoric acid.
The internal structure of the of multi purpose indoor absorbent allows it to work like a sponge and lock the liquids inside leaving the surface dry and slip free. Available in 10 litre pails.
- Acids, Caustics
- Eggs, Oils
- Cleaning Chemicals
- Biohazard Fluids: Blood, Vomit, Urine
- Fuels, Solvents
- Paints, Inks